Support Trademark Process: Prepare and ensure all trademark documents are complete and accurate.
Pre-filing Search & Analysis: Conduct searches and provide advice on the registrability of trademarks.
Tracking & Reporting: Track, analyze, and report on trademark-related matters.
Status Monitoring: Update and monitor the status of trademark applications and liaise with relevant government offices.
Drafting Submissions: Prepare responses and arguments for office actions.
Education: Degree in Law, Business, Arts & Humanities, or equivalent.
Language Skills: Proficiency in English, Hindi, and Gujarati, both written and spoken.
Detail-Oriented: Strong attention to detail and excellent data entry skills.
Organizational Skills: Ability to organize effectively and work well in a team.
Technical Skills: Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) and web-based systems.
Positive Attitude: Motivated, shows initiative, and maintains a positive attitude.
Confidentiality: Strict adherence to confidentiality policies and protocols.
Experience: Prior experience in trademark matters is beneficial but not required.
Office: This position is based in our Surat, Gujarat office.
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